Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Review: The Girl Who Was Taken by Charlie Donlea

Title: The Girl Who Was Taken
Author: Charlie Donlea
Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corporation
Publication Date: April 25, 2017
Edition: Hardcover (320 pages)

  • Fiction
  • Crime Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Suspense

The Girl Who Was TakenThe Girl Who Was Taken by Charlie Donlea

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Two girls, both high school seniors, disappear from a party in a small North Carolina town. Two weeks pass while a major hunt for them is underway. Megan McDonald returns home. Nicole Cutty does not. Questions remain about what happened to Nicole, and prompt her sister, Livia, a fellow in forensic pathology, to want to learn everything possible so that, one day, she may be able to use those skills to piece together what happened to her sister. A chance encounter puts Livia on that path and brings her into contact with Megan, and the two begin a journey of exploration with many twists and turns that kept me reading every word, wondering where it would take them. The suspense never ebbed. The plot is well thought out and complex. The subject matter of abduction is deep and dark in this book, as it is in real life.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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