Sunday, April 30, 2017

Review: A Flicker of Hope: An Amish Home Novella by Ruth Reid

Title: A Flicker of Hope: An Amish Home Novella
Author: Ruth Reid
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: February 7th 2017
Edition: ebook (100 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Amish Fiction
  • Christian Fiction
Series: Amish Home

A Flicker of Hope (Amish Home)A Flicker of Hope by Ruth Reid

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thomas and Noreen King have been married for fifteen years. Their marriage, begun happily, has crumbled to the point of near nonexistence. Trials and hardship have torn them apart. And, now their home has been destroyed. What will happen to them as a couple and as people? Can their love for one another be rekindled?

This story is told in alternating past and present sequence. These characters are weighed down by the hardships life can sometimes throw at us, yet they are strong people. I think I liked them more because neither is perfect.

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