Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Review: Death in the Off-Season (A Merry Folger Nantucket Mystery #1) by Francine Mathews

Title: Death in the Off-Season (A Merry Folger Nantucket Mystery #1)
Author: Francine Mathews
Publisher: Soho Crime
Publication Date: May 3, 2016
Edition:Paperback (384 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Crime Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Mystery Thriller
  • Thriller
Series: A Merry Folger Nantucket Mystery #1

Death in the Off-SeasonDeath in the Off-Season by Francine Mathews

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Merry Folger is a newly minted Detective on the police force and she is confronted with her first murder case. The son of a wealthy Nantucket family is found lying face down in a cranberry bog, dead. He has been out of the country for a decade--and it seems his brother, and others on the island, have no idea he has returned until they learn of his death. Yet, there are motives a plenty for his murder. Merry has to unravel fact from fiction and fit the pieces together in order to solve the case. At the same time, she also has to prove herself worthy of the rank of Detective to her father, the Chief of Police.

Francine Mathews has written a great story. Just when I was sure I had the killer's identity solidly in my mind, I found I found didn't! So many characters had motive, means and opportunity, but none stuck out as a villain, other than, perhaps, the murder victim. I enjoyed the book, and will be returning to read more in the Series.

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