Saturday, June 24, 2017

Review: Never Never (Detective Harriet Blue, #1) by James Patterson and Candice Fox

Title: Never Never (Detective Harriet Blue, #1)
Authors: James Patterson and Candice Fox
Publisher: Century
Publication Date: August 25, 2016
Edition: Paperback (342 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Adult Fiction
  • Crime Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Thriller
Series: Detective Harriet Blue #1

Never Never (Detective Harriet Blue, #1)Never Never by James Patterson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Detective Harriet Blue, a sex crimes investigator, is called into her Chief's office, she never imagined it would be to learn that her brother, Sam, has been arrested for the murder of at least three women. Knowing that the media would sensationalize the case and pounce on Harriet, her Chief arranged her transfer to a remote mining camp to investigate the disappearance and possible murder of a miner. Harriet was not at all pleased with this, nor was she initially pleased with the partner assigned to work the case with her. But she never imagined the horror and killing that awaited her, and the psychological maneuvering it would take to outwit this killer.

I thought I figured out the identity of the killer fairly early on, but of course I kept reading. The book was more violent in nature than I expected, and though the story line was interesting and well developed, it is a book I will likely not choose to revisit. If violence disturbs you, this is not a book for you, and I definitely would not recommend it for young readers.

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