Monday, June 5, 2017

Review: Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine

Title: Stillhouse Lake
Author: Rachel Caine
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer, Seattle
Publication Date: July, 2017
  • Fiction
  • Thriller
  • Psychological Suspense
Stillhouse LakeStillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gina Royal is a stay-at-home mom who wants nothing more than to take care of her children and be a good wife to her husband. But life, as she knew it, ended the day she discovered that her husband was not at all who she thought he was. Gina and her children have to move constantly to escape their past. They start over in the community of Stillhouse Lake, hoping to rebuild their lives. But they are relentlessly threatened and terrorized. And the same murderous events that caused them to run from their old lives are repeating themselves in Stillhouse Lake.

I have come to enjoy reading psychological thrillers, so when "Stillhouse Lake" appeared as a June Kindle First title, I decided to take a chance on it. I am very glad I did. It is a well-written story with many twists and turns that made me want to keep reading. This book does contain graphic descriptions of murder scenes, so if you're bothered by that kind of thing, this book is not for you. I would characterize it as an adult novel.

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