Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Review: The Bay at Midnight by Diane Chamberlain

Title: The Bay at Midnight
Author: Diane Chamberlain
Publisher: Mira
Publication Date: September 1, 2006
Edition: ebook
  • Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Romance
The Bay at MidnightThe Bay at Midnight by Diane Chamberlain
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Julie Bauer loved spending summers at the seashore in New Jersey until her seventeen-year-old sister, Isabel, was murdered, on an August night. The family sold their cottage and did not return. Decades later, Julie is visited by the daughter of her former neighbor who brings her news that will reopen the murder investigation and cause Julie, her sister and mother to relive those events. Each has secrets they would rather stay hidden. Each feels complicit in Isabel's murder.

The storylines of Diane Chamberlain's books draw me in, from the first. The emotions experienced by the characters are so genuine, I forget I'm reading a fictional story. And there is never a moment where my attention wanders. I particularly enjoyed revisiting the setting of the girls' childhood, the 1950s-1960s. A great read!

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