Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Review: The Lies We Believe: A Suspense Novel by T.K. Chapin

Title: The Lies We Believe: A Suspense Novel
Author: T.K. Chapin
Publisher: Branch Publishing
Publication Date: June 12, 2017
Edition: Kindle (315 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Cults
  • Suspense
  • Religion and Spirituality

The Lies We Believe: A Suspense NovelThe Lies We Believe: A Suspense Novel by T.K. Chapin

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Emily Fields was a beautiful and bright twenty-two-year-old young woman. Just out of college, she was out on her own and employed at a large law firm as a receptionist. She joins a new age group called Lighthouse, much to her father's disapproval. Ron Fields was beside himself when Emily announced she was joining Lighthouse. He didn't want to lose the relationship with her, so he didn't outwardly react strongly. His life changed for ever as he learned more about LightHouse and its real agenda. And he learned about people, lies, and that people are not always what they seem.

As I read this story, I never knew what would happen next. That is, after all, supposed to be a hallmark of a good story. I found myself wondering if Ron Fields really knew his own mind though. He seemed to vacillate between trusting people and not trusting them. And I sometimes found his actions almost as unsettling as those of the people at Lighthouse. Over all, I enjoyed the story, however.

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