Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Review: The Godfather by Mario Puzo

Title: The Godfather
Author: Mario Puzo
Publisher: New American Library
Publication Date: October 4, 2005
Edition: Kindle Edition, New American Library Essential Editions (456 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Classics
  • Crime Fiction

The GodfatherThe Godfather by Mario Puzo

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My first exposure to The Godfather by Mario Puzo was as a teenager when my mom stayed up all night to read it. She read it from cover-to-cover in less than twenty-four hours. When I read it, as an adult, I was reminded of this, and was tempted to do the same.

Now, I find it difficult to separate the characters in the book from how they are portrayed in the movie, which I also love. Filled with family, the mafia and the heartbreak of life, in spite of money, power and position, it is a captivating read.

I have reread The Godfather several times over the years. Partly because it is such a great read, and partly because it was one of my mom's favorites. It helps keep her memory richly alive for me. Each time I reread a book she loved, I am once again thankful she passed on her love of reading to me, and for the many hours we spent reading books together, over the years.

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