Monday, September 16, 2019

Review: Kisscut

Kisscut Kisscut by Karin Slaughter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Doctor Sara Linton and Chief Jeffrey Tolliver find themselves drawn into solving a horrific crime in "Kisscut," the second book of the Grant County series. On a Saturday night, not unlike all other Saturday nights at the local skating rink, a teen age girl is shot by Chief Tolliver, and, after, there is an even more grizzly discovery--one that leads to more and more crimes. Step by step, Sarah and Jeffrey begin to put the pieces together, and Detective Lena Adams begins to try and reclaim her life after her recent trauma she experienced in the first book of the series.

There is nothing quite like a Karin Slaughter book when it comes to thrillers. Fast-paced is an understatement, and the characters are fascinating in personality. I'm hooked on the Grant County series, no question.

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