Thursday, September 5, 2019

Review: The Passengers by John Marrs

Title: The Passengers
Author: John Marrs
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publication Date: August 27, 2019 (first published April 1st 2019)
Edition: ebook (352 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars

Imagine: You come out of your house and get into your self-driving autonomous car which is supposed to take you to your programmed destination. Suddenly, you discover, not only are you not traversing the programmed route, but you can do nothing to change the destination or stop the vehicle--and then you're told you're going to die. And to make matters worse, the vehicle's doors are locked, so you are trapped, awaiting your fate.

This book was riveting from the first page onward. The characters were fascinating, the plot inventive but not unrealistic, and the ethical issues presented go far beyond those related to just those one would think about with respect to self-driving vehicles. I will have to reread this book again to absorb the full depth of the ethical dilemmas presented here. A disturbing, yet excellent, read! I highly recommend it.

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