Monday, September 16, 2019

Review: Walking Towards Thunder: The true story of a whistleblowing cop who took on corruption and the Church

Walking Towards Thunder: The true story of a whistleblowing cop who took on corruption and the Church Walking Towards Thunder: The true story of a whistleblowing cop who took on corruption and the Church by Peter Fox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The world is a better place because of people like Peter Fox who care enough to speak out for people who may not be able to speak for themselves. in "Walking Towards Thunder: The true story of a whistleblowing cop who took on corruption and the Church," Peter Fox, Former Detective Chief Inspector in the Hunter region of Australia, spoke out publicly concerning the sexual abuse and years of cover-up of these crimes by the Catholic Church. And, for his trouble, he was subjected to ridicule by many, especially by others within the police force--many of whom chose to support the Catholic Church, no matter what.

The subject of abuse of children in the Church--not just the Catholic Church--has interested me for years, so I was very interested in reading this book. It is a most detailed account of the author's experiences as an investigator, and provides detailed profiles of many victims and perpetrators. The extent of the abuse and the ensuing cover-up often extends for decades and decades. The failure of the Church and individuals to recognize the extent of the evil is absolutely astounding to me. This book opened my eyes, in so many ways, to the extent some will go to deny and cover-up evil. It was a very emotional read, but I am glad I read this book. I came away better informed and more aware.

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