Friday, March 6, 2020

Review: GodPretty in the Tobacco Field by Kim Michele Richardson

GodPretty in the Tobacco FieldGodPretty in the Tobacco Field by Kim Michele Richardson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

GodPretty in the Tobacco Field is the first of Kim Michele Richardson's books I have had the pleasure of reading. I knew, when I read the editorial comments, it would elicit strong emotions concerning society's responses to prejudice and poverty. Of course, it did that and more.

Set in 1960s small-town Kentucky, amid poverty, the grinding kind that can wear you down even in childhood, a young girls struggles with a complicated relationship with her Uncle, neighbors and a boy she has loved since childhood. The poignancy of the times and the writing is compelling. There are so many take aways from the story that will stay with me, especially the surprising ending. I will definitely read more of Kim Michele Richardson's books.

View all my reviews

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