Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My Review of Down In the Valley (Green Valley #1) by Jane Shoup

Down In the Valley (Green Valley, #1)Down In the Valley by Jane Shoup

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As I read this book, the rating I planned to give it began to become fixed in my mind. But, by the time I finished reading, I realized just how much I enjoyed the book, and how much it has to offer when you look beyond some descriptions of sex and the violence of some of the characters.

Down In the Valley (Green Valley #1) by Jane Shoup is a story about several characters who either have their roots deep in Green Valley or those who settle there. It is a story of survival and hope for something better. It is a love story. It is a romance. It is about tragedy, triumph, loss and family and community. You will meet some folks who love and are loved, and you will meet others with murder in their hearts.

I will let them tell their stories, and let you meet them for yourself, in 1880's Virginia.

If you are looking for a placid romance without sexual content or the reality of violence, this is not the book for you. But if you can see beyond this to the character of the people, I think you will enjoy this book, as I did, and look forward to the next book in the Green Valley Series, Spirit of the Valley, scheduled for publication on October 27, 2015.

View all my reviews

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