Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Review of Hanover House (Hanover House Chronicles 0.5) by Brenda Novak

Hanover House (Hanover House Chronicles #0.5)Hanover House by Brenda Novak

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hanover House (Hanover House Chronicles 0.5) by Brenda Novak is the prequel to the Hanover House Series. It is fast-paced and emotionally charged. Evelyn Talbot, as a teenager was nearly killed by her then boyfriend. That experience prompted her to go on to become a psychiatrist, and she is now preparing to open a facility which will house some of the country's most violent serial killers, for the purpose of learning more about the criminal mind.

These preparations are filled with trials, mystery and romance which kept me reading every word, wondering what was going to happen next.

The subject matter of serial killing and aspects of the criminal mind may not be for every reader, but I enjoyed reading Hanover House, and am looking forward to reading WHITEOUT, Book 1 in the Hanover House Chronicles, which will be released from St. Martin's Press in September, 2016.

I received and Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of this digital book in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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