Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Review: From Stray Dog to World War I Hero: The Paris Terrier Who Joined the First Division by Grant Hayter-Menzies

Title: From Stray Dog to World War I Hero: The Paris Terrier Who Joined the First Division
Author: Grant Hayter-Menzies
Publisher: University of Nebraska Press
Publication Date: 11/01/2015

First Division Rags: The Paris Stray Who Became an American War HeroFirst Division Rags: The Paris Stray Who Became an American War Hero by Grant Hayter-Menzies

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

From Stray Dog to World War I Hero: The Paris Terrier Who Joined the First Division
by Grant Hayter-Menzies is a must read for anyone who loves animals. Rags, a terrier of mixed origin attached himself to two American service men in Paris during World War I. And, thus began his illustrious military career. This is a story of love and loyalty between rags and the people he loved. It's also a story of patriotism and service to one's country; a service that Rags performed valiantly, without asking anything in return. He risked his life, time and again, to carry messages in intense battle situations, and saved many lives in the process. The author chronicles the life of Rags, and by the time you finish reading about Rags, you will feel as if you know the true American hero he was.

I suggest you keep a box of tissues handy. This story will make you laugh and cry. If you're like me, it'll also make you hug the special pet or pets in your life close and tell them how much you appreciate and love them.

I received and Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of this digital book in exchange for an honest review.

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