Saturday, September 26, 2015

My Review of The Postcard (Amish Country Crossroads #1) by Beverly Lewis

The Postcard (The Postcard/The Crossroad, #1)The Postcard by Beverly Lewis

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For those who enjoy reading books about the Amish people,The Postcard (Amish Country Crossroads #1) by Beverly Lewis does not disappoint.

Amazing how a simple postcard from forty years earlier can transform lives. Rachel and her small daughter are living with Rachel's parents after a tragic accident results in the death of her husband and son. Rachel has been unable to see since the accident. She is coping, and trying to figure out whether to give into alternative spiritual healing or wait on the Lord.

Along comes a journalist, Philip Bradley, who spends a few days at Rachel's family's bed and breakfast. While there, he discovers a postcard in the desk in his room. He begins to look into the origin of that postcard; and that is how the story unfolds. Some folks are threatened by this discovery, and do not want the story known, especially to Rachel. But she learns of it, and it is life changing.

I am looking forward to reading the subsequent books in the Amish Country Crossroads Series.

View all my reviews

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