Monday, September 28, 2015

My Review of Spirit of the Valley (Green Valley Series #2) by Jane Shoup

Spirit of the ValleySpirit of the Valley by Jane Shoup

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Spirit of the Valley (Green Valley Series #2) by Jane Shoup was a captivating read. It tells the story of Pauline Ray and her children who arrive in Green Valley after fleeing for their lives. Once there, Pauline begins to rebuild her life. She is befriended by some of the Green Valley folk, and she has a second chance at love. She wonders if it can work out this time. She is transformed from a timid soul to a vibrant woman.

Some of the characters from Down in the Valley, the first book in this Series, are revisited, so it is like returning home for the reader. And, again, Jane Shoup gives us the sense of romance, community, and caring that carry over from the first book.

I received and Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of this digital book in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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