Saturday, May 23, 2020

My review: Fatal North: Murder and Survival on the First North Pole Expedition by Bruce Henderson

Fatal North: Murder and Survival on the First North Pole ExpeditionFatal North: Murder and Survival on the First North Pole Expedition by Bruce Henderson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fatal North: Murder and Survival on the First North Pole Expedition reads like a thriller though it is nonfiction. It chronicles the 1871 attempt by the United States to reach the North Pole. The character of individuals was sorely tested in the ill-fated expedition, and it became a fight for survival.

The writing is superb, a testament to the author's research as well as diaries and documentation kept by chroniclers. What I found especially interesting is the outcome of the expedition, given the relative infancy of arctic exploration, absent the technology of today. I will definitely be reading more by Bruce Henderson.

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