Friday, May 22, 2020

My review: Lindbergh: The Crime by Noel Behn

Lindbergh: The CrimeLindbergh: The Crime by Noel Behn

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Lindbergh: The Crime presents the Lindburgh baby's kidnapping in a whole new light. The book is part new evidence and part conspiracy theory. What can be said is that, no matter what theory or theories one believes, it is a very complex case. As I was reading, I often felt I was reading a surreal novel filled with manipulative people at the highest levels. If the subject interests you, read the book and draw your own conclusions. I'm not convinced, in the same way the author is, that the kidnapping was an inside job. But neither am I convinced that the man convicted and who died in the electric chair was solely responsible.

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